Razer cortex game booster
Razer cortex game booster

Then, select the files you see and delete them permanently.

razer cortex game booster

You will find them “C:\Users\user name\AppData\Local\Temp” here or, search “%temp%” in your computer and click on temp to open the folder with the temporary files. To delete these files, first you need to search for it. Once you are done deleting these temporary files, your computer’s performance will be increased considerably. These temporary files consist of dump files, browser crash dump and some other temporary files. #2 Clear the Temporary files #Ī lot of temporary files are present in your computer. Step 2: Go to Control Panel » All Control Panel Items » Performance Information and Tools. Step 1: Go to Control Panel » All Control Panel Items » Performance Information and Tools. You will find the required tool in the control panel. Also, other tools give you the details of your computer’s speed and performance.

razer cortex game booster

There are various tools available in Windows which give you your computer’s index base site which rates your computer components and shows subscore off of various parts of your computer such as the processor, gaming graphics, RAM, etc. Here we had just now shared Top 5 Alternative ways to run high-end graphics games and how to improve their quality.ġ How To Boost Up Your PC Games Graphics Without Graphics Card?1.1 #1 Run a Quick check on Your Computer Performance Information1.2 #2 Clear the Temporary files1.3 #3 Take a look at your DirectX, Graphics and Audio information and update drivers1.4 #4 Set Visual Effects for better performance1.5 #5 Check your Hard Disk1.6 #6 Boost Game Graphics: Razor Cortex1.7 #7 Boost High-End Games Graphics: Wise Game Booster #1 Run a Quick check on Your Computer Performance Information #įirst of all, you should yourself know about your computer information. How To Boost Up Your PC Games Graphics Without Graphics Card? # Some more ways are using which one can boost the game graphics in your Windows. The very basic things to have for a good gaming experience is a good graphic card along with some amount of memory available on your PC.

Razer cortex game booster