Android studio adb
Android studio adb

android studio adb

apk, type the command “./adb install”, followed by a space, then drag your signed.

android studio adb

  • Terminal should now be looking at the correct place to run adb commands, and you can confirm your device is connected to your Mac using the command “./adb devices”.
  • In Terminal, type “cd” followed by a space, then drag the platform-tools folder into terminal (this will add the path to the location of your platform-tools folder so that you don’t need to type it out) then hit enter.
  • Navigate to your Android SDK folder (it should be named android-sdk-macosx by default). Inside your Android SDK folder, should be another folder called “platform-tools”.
  • android studio adb

    apk file to your device, follow these steps (If you didn’t do the optional steps in the getting started with Android section): If you did the optional steps in the “Getting Started with Android” section, then skip down to the next set of instructions!

    Android studio adb